This is a HTML rendering of BiBTeX bibliographic record sources, pf_list_cz-en_2025.htm.


Formats: text, html, BiBTeX.

% 2025

 title =    {The Gardener},
 author =   {Rabindranath Tagore},
 annote =   {7 May 1861 - 7 August 1941},
 year =     {1913},
 publisher= {Macmillan and Co., Ltd.},

% 2024

 title =     {Our man in {H}avana},
 author =    {Graham Greene},
 year =      {1958},
 publisher = {Heinemann},

% 2023

 title =     {The life and adventures of {R}obinson {C}rusoe},
 author =    {Daniel Defoe},
 annote =    {circa 1660 - 1731},
 year =      {1719},
 publisher = {William Taylor},

% 2022

 title =     {The curious case of {B}enjamin {B}utton},
 author =    {{Francis Scott} Fitzgerald},
 year =      {1922},
 publisher = {Collier's (Magazine)},

% 2021

 title =     {Cat's Cradle},
 author =    {Vonnegut, {Jr.}, Kurt},
 year =      {1963},
 publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston},

% 2020

 title =     {{F}rankenstein, or, The Modern {P}rometheus},
 author =    {{Mary Wollstonecraft} Shelley},
 year =      {1818},
 publisher = {Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor and Jones}

% 2019

 title =     {Brave New World},
 author =    {Aldous Huxley},
 year =      {1932},
 publisher = {Chatto and Windus},

% 2018

 title =      {Nineteen Eighty-Four},
 author =     {George Orwell},
 author-real-name = {{Eric Arthur} Blair},
 year =       {1949},
 publisher  = {Secker and Warburg},
 address =    {London},

% 2017

 title =     {R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)},
 author =    {Karel \v{C}apek},
 annote =    {9 January 1890 - 25 December 1938},
 year =      {1920},
 publisher = {Otakar \v{S}torch-Marien},
 address =   {Praha},

% 2016

 title =     {The adventures of {S}herlock {H}olmes},
 author =    {{Arthur Conan} Doyle},
 annote =    {22 May 1859 - 7 July 1930},
 year =      {1891 - 1892},
 publisher = {The Strand (Magazine)},

% 2015

% key = {Pour Feliciter 2015},
Jules Verne v ceske verzi
% homepage server - eprint = {ftp/Free/152015-Verne_J-Earth2Moon-1865-CZ-1865-2015.pdf},
Svatopluk C^ech - Pravy vylet pana Broucka do Mesice, poprve vyslo 1888.
% eprint = {},

% }
 author =      {Jules Verne},
 annote =      {8. unor 1828 Nantes - 24. brezen 1905 Amiens},
 title =       {Ze Zem\v{e} na M\v{e}s\'{\i}c},
 booktitle =   {De la terre \`{a} la lune},
 year =	       {1865},
 edition =     {1894},
 publisher =   {J. R. Vil\'{\i}mek, Praha 1894},
 note =	       {Prvni cesky preklad: Jaroslav \v{C}erm\'{a}k, 1894},
 annote =      {P\r{u}vodni cesky nazev: Do Mesice},
 annote = {Jako volnou verzi jsem nasel nejdriv Svatopluka Cecha. Pak uz se ale Verne nasel...},
% key = {Happy New Year 2015},
% eprint = {},
% }
  author =	 {Jules Verne},
  annote =	 {8 February 1828 Nantes - 24 March 1905 Amiens},
  title =	 {From the Earth to the Moon},
  booktitle =	 {De la Terre \`{a} la Lune},
  year =	 {1865},
  edition =	 {1874},
  publisher =	 {Scribner, Armstrong and Company},
  note =	 {First translated to English by J. K. Hoyt, 1869},
  comment =	 {First man on the moon: Neil Armstrong, 1969},
% key = {Bonne annee 2015},
% eprint = {},
% }
  author =	 {Jules Verne},
  annote = {8 f\`{e}vrier 1828 \`{a} Nantes 24 mars 1905 \`{a} Amiens},
  title =	 {De la Terre \`{a} la Lune},
  year =	 {1865},
  publisher =	 {Pierre-Jules Hetzel et Compagnie},